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 Future movie

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Number of posts : 404
Age : 31
Registration date : 2007-06-01

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PostSubject: Future movie   Future movie Icon_minitimeTue Jul 24, 2007 3:18 pm

Ok, well if i ever get to learn how to use the computer animation thing and pj gets a really good editing software, i had this one wierd action vid for us to do, like it could have some comedy thrown in there but if we could get it to work it would prolly turn out pretty good. I dont kno of like ne storyline or nething, its jsut kindof like a showdown, lol............

Court Showdown (idk):
Two guys, both have tennis rackets and they r obviously on a tennis court, instead of throwing tennis balls, well, i found this little triangle-ish hole in my tennis racket that i imagined maybe these like grenades come out of and they pop out right when the guys r about to swing and then they hit it to the other player and if it hits anything else other than the tennis racket or has been vollied for too long, then it explodes. So these guys would be flipping dodging doing cool stuff and what not, and then i figured that would get boring for a video to just be that, so what if they came up to each other and started meleeing with their rackets and on the edges blades would come out and they would fight with that or something, and then obviously 1 would have to defeat the other in some really cool way.....

I kno its not really good, or really our thing, because its jsut like really action packed but i mean if i could find out a way to work my fx software we could do it sometime in high school............yeah i kno, not really good, but, i just figured i would through it out there u kno. I just think we r gonna need something that will really blow ppl away, these comments r gonna be horrible, lol..........
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Number of posts : 443
Age : 31
Location : The Internet
Registration date : 2007-05-21

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PostSubject: Re: Future movie   Future movie Icon_minitimeSat Jul 28, 2007 4:47 pm

I love that idea! and what do you mean our thing? we don't have a thing, we go from thing to thing, not stay on one thing, we're not thing attaching things! we're rogue things!
But ya that idea would be awesome!, but crazily hard.. well except the grenade part.. the rest would be pretty easy...Trick cinematagraphy on that, no real fx stuff needed at all really... The grenade would be really tough though.. even i could do it though now that i think of it, i'm just weary on explosions cuz i don't like working with them too much.. but i love it! we probably should wait for next year or so to do it though... like you said.. Keeping up the intense mood and fighting would be a lil different thing for us too.. i think it'd be good for us to try it... I give it a 8.5!
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