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4 posters

Story/Movie Idea on 1-11 scale.
RocketMan! Vote_lcap0%RocketMan! Vote_rcap
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RocketMan! Vote_lcap0%RocketMan! Vote_rcap
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RocketMan! Vote_lcap0%RocketMan! Vote_rcap
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RocketMan! Vote_lcap0%RocketMan! Vote_rcap
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RocketMan! Vote_lcap29%RocketMan! Vote_rcap
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RocketMan! Vote_lcap14%RocketMan! Vote_rcap
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RocketMan! Vote_lcap14%RocketMan! Vote_rcap
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RocketMan! Vote_lcap29%RocketMan! Vote_rcap
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RocketMan! Vote_lcap14%RocketMan! Vote_rcap
 14% [ 1 ]
RocketMan! Vote_lcap0%RocketMan! Vote_rcap
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Total Votes : 7


Number of posts : 443
Age : 31
Location : The Internet
Registration date : 2007-05-21

RocketMan! Empty
PostSubject: RocketMan!   RocketMan! Icon_minitimeFri Jul 13, 2007 12:52 am

Ok well this is my idea for when i grow up... It's not exactly or humor or anything if anything it's supposed to be a drama...
It's based off of the story that Elton John Based the song RocketMan on.

The story takes place in kind of a Present-fiction that's supposed to be like it happened today or in the 90s (about current time) even though it hasn't happened.

It's About this astronaut who has a wife and one son.. that can only come home for a period of 3 days at a time..

One of the times he comes home..He talks to his kid about how it's hard work being an astronaut and it can be lonely but once ur up there.. it's just amazing.. he also makes love with his wife maybe lol..... He can tell his wife is unhappy with him being gone so much So he promises that he'll quit his job after the next mission...

On the deepspace mission something goes wrong.. They lose connection with mission control and are slowly losing heat in the shuttle, the rockets on the shuttle also aren't working.. so slowly but surely they are being dragged in by the gravity of the sun.
Although they aren't sure if the transmissions are being reached by earth.. the crew on the shuttle keep sending messages on what's going on and say their last goodbyes... to their loved ones and everything.. After awhile earth start to receive the messages from the cosmonauts.. The families of the astronauts listen sadly at mission control... After awhile the astronauts seem to be done with their messages and eventually lose connection with earth again... Hours later.. they find out that the spaceshuttle fell into the sun..

The movie ends up with the son being an astronaut up in space looking at the sun in rememberance...

And of course the song rocketman would be played in the movie
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üBer Nerd
üBer Nerd

Number of posts : 239
Age : 31
Location : jjjjjjjjjjjfk;hgas;ldkgjal;skdgh!
Registration date : 2007-05-24

RocketMan! Empty
PostSubject: Re: RocketMan!   RocketMan! Icon_minitimeSun Jul 22, 2007 11:39 pm

sounds prettyy darn sweet... and im not just saying that. Very Happy
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Number of posts : 404
Age : 31
Registration date : 2007-06-01

RocketMan! Empty
PostSubject: Re: RocketMan!   RocketMan! Icon_minitimeMon Jul 23, 2007 4:42 pm

Ok, well, its sounds good, but i thought u told me we dont do drama or nething and this sounds a little to dramatic and heartwarming, lol, idk, its sounds like it could be sweet if u could pull it off but, idk, and i would put a six, but if u havent realized, u didnt put one on there, i didnt kno if it was on accident or not, but, yeah, lol.
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üBer Nerd
üBer Nerd

Number of posts : 239
Age : 31
Location : jjjjjjjjjjjfk;hgas;ldkgjal;skdgh!
Registration date : 2007-05-24

RocketMan! Empty
PostSubject: Re: RocketMan!   RocketMan! Icon_minitimeMon Jul 23, 2007 5:27 pm

P-diddy wrote:
Ok well this is my idea for when i grow up... It's not exactly or humor or anything if anything it's supposed to be a drama...

lol nick Very Happy
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Number of posts : 404
Age : 31
Registration date : 2007-06-01

RocketMan! Empty
PostSubject: Re: RocketMan!   RocketMan! Icon_minitimeMon Jul 23, 2007 5:46 pm

I kno, but think about old? 50? I guess just now i couldnt see him making these short videos still when he gets older. I could see movies or something, but not videos, idk, lol. I actually figured u would say something about him saying he was going to do it when he was older after i read what i had posted, lol (if u understand that long long sentence, lol, it might be a little hard to understand, no offense, i just dont feel like proofreading it, lol)
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Number of posts : 443
Age : 31
Location : The Internet
Registration date : 2007-05-21

RocketMan! Empty
PostSubject: Re: RocketMan!   RocketMan! Icon_minitimeMon Jul 23, 2007 10:28 pm

umm probably around the age of 30-50 ya, and wth nick of course it'll be a full length movie! if that is what ur saying, becase ur right.. it was confizzling :S

Cofizzling...........niiiiiiicccceeee. Yeah sry, i just figured this had nothing to do with the topic so i thought i would just edit it in, lol-Mondu
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Number of posts : 249
Age : 31
Location : Somewhere Over the Rainbow
Registration date : 2007-05-21

RocketMan! Empty
PostSubject: Re: RocketMan!   RocketMan! Icon_minitimeTue Jul 24, 2007 12:10 am

I give it an 8... its cool but it isnt very creative idont think

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Number of posts : 404
Age : 31
Registration date : 2007-06-01

RocketMan! Empty
PostSubject: Re: RocketMan!   RocketMan! Icon_minitimeTue Jul 24, 2007 3:22 pm

After reading this thing a second time and thinking about it, well, its really depressing, and like all the other space movies were its really dramatized and they die, idk, its just that it sounds...................emo, lol, jk...still tho, it is relaly depressing, adn if thats what ur counting on then YAY, u hit it right on the mark, lol.
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Number of posts : 443
Age : 31
Location : The Internet
Registration date : 2007-05-21

RocketMan! Empty
PostSubject: Re: RocketMan!   RocketMan! Icon_minitimeTue Jul 24, 2007 3:27 pm

Bleu wrote:
I give it an 8... its cool but it isnt very creative idont think


Ya but i created this idea a couple weeks b4 i even watched apollo 13, and then still i fell asleep during most of apollo 13..
and Yes nick it is supposed to be sad and a lil depressing but not emo-ish and if it sounds like that, it won't turn out that way.. since when were emo's cosmonauts anyway? lol

Oh ya and another thing brian, of course it's not very original it's loosely based off of a story! and a song that the story was based off of! but the story more really
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Number of posts : 249
Age : 31
Location : Somewhere Over the Rainbow
Registration date : 2007-05-21

RocketMan! Empty
PostSubject: Re: RocketMan!   RocketMan! Icon_minitimeFri Jul 27, 2007 12:28 pm

yeah i know, im just saying critics wouldnt care that you thought of it b4 watching apllo 13 lol
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RocketMan! Empty
PostSubject: Re: RocketMan!   RocketMan! Icon_minitime

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