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 American History

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Number of posts : 443
Age : 31
Location : The Internet
Registration date : 2007-05-21

American History Empty
PostSubject: American History   American History Icon_minitimeSun Aug 26, 2007 8:42 pm

A new idea a new idea!! go music and being bored while writing vocab words!!!!

A mock of all the crazy social studies we've been watching since 5th grade...It will start off as just one of those videos.. but then it gets a lil crazily odd and funny...

"As the war continued and the soldiers in Valley Forge struggled.. they soon were visited by Marty Mcfly and the Doc in their Dalorian Time Car..... After almost killing them..Marty accidently told them the future of the war and half of the soldiers abandoned the war effort right there... But the war was not over for that the british began to use a scientificly configured potion to make themselves giants!!!!!"

And it goes all through all of that.. getting crazier and funnier.. until the narrator eventually is like screaming and it ends or something..

I need help with the script.. have ideas what to happen? TELL ME! or it'll be really boring.. somebody with adobe photoshop would be nice too... so i might end up bugging tony snape and seeing what he can do..

Here's some of the background music (that inspired me)....
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